
Prasannadeva first came through the doors of the Dublin Buddhist Centre in 2012. He became a committed Buddhist in 2013 and was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 2021.
Having studied Fine Art he was keen to find a context where his love of Western art, film and music was considered an important aspect of the spiritual life, regardless of whether it is an Eastern tradition or not, and felt right at home here. Prasannadeva has taught meditation courses with Trinity Meditation Society, has been involved with leading Young Buddhist events and is now leading Buddhism and meditation courses. He is currently working as Centre Manager.
‘When I first walked into the Buddhist Centre, I somehow knew it could result in a big change to my life, but I never would have expected to find a community to rich with warmth and friendship, and to find that before long I would be Ordained and working here. So much has transformed in my life.
‘Practicing Buddhism is such an adventure and brings so much meaning to my life, I can no longer imagine life without it. The Dublin Buddhist Centre is what gave me this and I see my role as manager as my way of giving thanks for what I have received by allowing it to be passed on to others.
‘I’m continuosly discovering the depths of the Buddha’s teaching, especially as presented by the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Movement (of which the DBC is part) Sangharakshita, especially the idea that beauty and aesthetic appreciation can be a path towards Truth or Awakening.
Our Teachers
Our classes in Buddhism and meditation are in the most part delivered by ordained members of the Triratna Buddhist Order.
The Order consists of men and women who are themselves living a life of meditation and Buddhist practice, and have been for many years.