Pavara first learnt to meditate in his late teens and came into contact with Triratna in 1994. Yoga practice has been a key aspect of his Buddhist practice since that time and he continues to teach and train within the Iyengar system of practice.
Pavara was ordained in Spain in 1999 whilst working in a Buddhist run team-based right-livelihood business in the UK. He is the main yoga teacher in the Centre.
‘I first came to Buddhism through my reading of the Beat Generation writers and poets, which was part of a search for deeper meaning and understanding of the mystery of existence.’
‘Meditation to me is a gateway into stillness and stillness is the beginning of Beauty. Buddhism is a map to freedom and the deepest communication of understanding and meaning that I have heard.’
‘The teaching of friendship as a path to wisdom particularly inspires me.’
Our Teachers
Our classes in Buddhism and meditation are in the most part delivered by ordained members of the Triratna Buddhist Order.
The Order consists of men and women who are themselves living a life of meditation and Buddhist practice, and have been for many years.