Meditation Night – Under-30s
Meditation Night – Under-30s
A night of meditation and a short exploration on a Buddhist theme or topic for people under 30.
Led by Jyotika, Prasannadeva, and Jnanadhara.
An In-Person Event.
A night of meditation and a short exploration on a Buddhist theme or topic for people under 30.
Led by Jyotika, Prasannadeva, and Jnanadhara.
An In-Person Event.
The Parents' Sangha are hosting an evening with Karunagita, a mother of two an author of A Path for Parents: What Buddhism Can Offer.
Led by the Parents' Sangha.
This is an online only event.
Mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation course – learn to meditate with experienced teachers. Learn to be calmer and more energised.
Led by Prasannadeva.
An In-Person Event.
A six week course exploring how Buddhist ethics as a means of living an engaged, inspiring and creative life.
Led by Vajrashura.
An In-Person Event.
A weekend retreat for Sangha members and those who have learned the Mindfulness of Breath and Metta Bhavana meditation practices with a Triratna Buddhist Centre.
Led by Vajrashura and Maitrikaya.
An In-Person Event.
A deep dive into a Buddhist teaching for people under 30s exploring how to break through into freedom.
Led by Prasannadeva.
An In-Person Event.
A festival day commemorating the physical passing away of Buddha Gotama and reflection on the truth of impermanence in our lives.
Led by Pavara and Saddhajaya.
This event is both in-person and online.
A five-week course exploring the Buddha’s teaching on the transformative power of radical kindness or metta.
Led by Sadayasihi.
An In-Person Event.