[Fully-Booked] The Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava
DBC Winter Sangha Retreat
Friday 27th December 2024 – Wednesday 1st January 2025
Led by Sadayasihi and Prasannadeva
“The emphasis in the life of the Buddha, historically speaking, is the communication of the teaching in a clear and rational manner to the consciousnesses of ordinary human beings… But the Buddha’s teaching had to bite much more deeply into the general consciousness of humanity, the consciousness of the world, or even the consciousness of the universe. And this is where the Guru comes in.”
– Sangharakshita, 1979
This year, for our Winter Sangha retreat, we will take the time to go West and dwell in the beauty of Bru Moytura in Co. Sligo while invoking the great Vajra Guru Padmasambhava.
His biography, The Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava, is not so much a historical account of his life so much as a sacred text profuse with potent and creative symbols directed towards the transformation the depths of our consciousness.
On this five day retreat we will be exploring stories and symbols from Padmasambhava’s life, reflecting and meditating on their significance to our lives and opening ourselves up to their spiritual potency.
5 Nights
Friday 27th December 2024 – Wednesday 1st January 2025
Bru Moytura, Corlisheen, Riverstown, Co. Sligo.
Bru Moytura is a 100-foot wide wooden retreat centre in the foothills of rural Sligo. The ‘brugh’ stems from the Irish notion of a hosting place.
The great circular hall is perfect for meditation, ritual and discussion groups. A beautiful sunlit front room to the south west is the dining zone. Unique geothermal underfloor heating system means that the meditation/yoga-mats will never be cold!
This retreat is for Sangha regulars who have a regular meditation practice of the Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Bhavana.
The retreat will be led by Sadayasihi and Prasannadeva.
We asked previous retreat participants what the highlights were for them. They answered:
- Meeting others on the retreat
- The meditation
- The walking meditation
- The food
- The chance to reflect and be in nature
All dishes are vegan, but don’t let that put you off. We’ve astounded by many omnivores on our retreats who admitted they had no idea vegan food could be so tasty and filling!
Every meal is cooked from scratch, and there is always enough for second helpings. No one ever goes hungry on our retreats.
Bru Moytura is an aproximately 2.5 hour drive from Dublin City Centre.
If you cannot drive yourself there will be an opportunity to car pool subject to availability.
This retreat is now fully-booked. Please email manager@dublinbuddhistcentre.org to be added to the waiting list.
We do tiered pricing, depending on the circumstances.
- €350 waged
- €305 low-waged
- €260 unwaged or student
You can pay a deposit of €75 to secure your place.