Meditation Essentials
Day Retreat
Sunday 13th October 2024, 10am – 4.30pm
Led by Prasannadeva and Satyaprapta
Meditation is a means of transforming the mind. It helps us change the way we relate to ourselves and the world around us.
Buddhist meditation techniques offer a way of encouraging and developing positive states of mind, such as calmness, clarity, emotional positivity and a deeper seeing of the true nature of things.
On this introductory day both the Mindfulness of Breathing and the Development of Loving Kindness meditations will be taught. It will be ideal as an introduction for those new to meditation, or as a refreshing day retreat for those who’d like a boost to their practice.
Sunday 13th October 2024, 10am – 4.30pm
Dublin Buddhist Centre
Unit 5, Liberty Corner
James Joyce Street
Dublin, D01 N5H6
We asked previous retreat participants what the highlights were for them. They answered:
- Meeting others on the day retreat
- The meditation and the effect it has on their mind
- The chance to reflect more on things
10am Arrival and Check-in
10.15am Introduction to Meditation
10.30am Guided body-scan
10.45am Discussion
11am Tea Break
11.15am Introduction to the Mindfulness of Breathing
11.40am Guided meditation and discussion
12pm Setting up, inspiration and just sitting
12.30pm Guided meditation and discussion
Starts at 1pm. We encourage participants on the day to bring along vegetarian or vegan food to share as this can be a great way to spend time together to chat and make connections with other meditators.
However there are also plenty of shops and cafes nearby should you like to purchase food to share on the day, or to have lunch by yourself.
2.15pm Mindful walking meditation
2.30pm The Cultivation of Loving Kindness
3pm Guided meditation and discussion
3.40pm Dealing with distractions
4pm Guided meditation and discussion
4.20pm Keeping your practice going at home
4.30 Close
Prasannadeva first came through the doors of the Dublin Buddhist Centre in 2012. He became a committed Buddhist in 2013 and was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 2021.
He currently works as DBC manager and has a background in Fine Art.
Suitable for:
- Complete beginners who want to learn to meditate.
- Meditators with some experience who want to refresh their practice.
We do tiered pricing, depending on the circumstances.
- €80 waged
- €45 low-waged / unwaged / student
Location: Dublin Buddhist Centre