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[Fully Booked] Going Deeper in Meditation

Five Week Course

Starts Thursday 7th November 2024, 6.30pm – 8.45pm

This follow-on meditation course is designed to take your meditation practices of mindfulness and metta deeper.

Many facets of meditation will be explored, including the receptive dimension of meditation, the potential for liberating insight in meditation, and the possibility of being in the world in a new way.

There will be opportunities to discuss how your meditation is going, the obstacles you experience and how to overcome them, and how to allow the deeper fruits of meditation to unfold.

Over the five weeks we will cover:

Week 1

    • Course Overview
    • Presence and Continuity of Purpose
    • Going Deeper with the Mindfulness of Breathing

Week 2

    • Going Deeper with the Metta Bhavana

Week 3

    • Exploring the Hindrances
    • Freedom from the Hindrances

Week 4

    • Going Deeper with Just Sitting

Week 5

    • Buddhist Wisdom
    • How do we Reflect?


Starts Thursday 7th November 2024, 6.30pm – 8.45pm | For 5 weeks


Dublin Buddhist Centre
Unit 5, Liberty Corner
James Joyce Street
Dublin, D01 N5H6

Prasannadeva first came through the doors of the Dublin Buddhist Centre in 2012. He became a committed Buddhist in 2013 and was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 2021.

Having studied Fine Art he was keen to find a context where his love of Western art, film and music was considered an important aspect of the spiritual life, regardless of whether it is an Eastern tradition or not, and felt right at home here. Prasannadeva has taught meditation courses with Trinity Meditation Society, has been involved with leading Young Buddhist events and is now leading Buddhism and meditation courses. He is currently working as Centre Manager.

Sadayasihi learned to meditate in 2007 in the Dublin Buddhist Centre while she was training to be a solicitor, having had an interest in Buddhism since she was a teenager.

She was ordained in 2016 and is current chair of the charity that runs the DBC, as well as leading a study group and teaching classes.

Suitable for:  Open to anyone who has learnt the Mindfulness of Breathing and the Development of Loving Kindness with the DBC or any other Triratna Buddhist Centre.

This course is currently fully booked. Please email to join the waiting list.

We do tiered pricing, depending on the circumstances.

€150 waged
€120 low-waged
€90 unwaged
€75 for under-25s

Location: Dublin Buddhist Centre


Unit 5, Liberty Corner
James Joyce Street, Dublin D01 N5H6 Ireland

Web: | Email:
Unit 5 | Liberty Corner | James Joyce Street | Dublin D01 N5H6 | Ireland | tel. (01) 817 8933
Registered Charity Number 20030698 | CHY Number CHY11311