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The Way of Metta: The Radical Power of Kindness

Five Week Course

Starts Thursday 27th February 2025, 6.30pm – 8.45pm

Led by Sadayasihi

“The way of metta is not only a path of ever-increasing positive emotion leading to Enlightenment. It is a guide to recovering our basic human inheritance of joy” – Sangharakshita

The Buddha is renowned as the embodiment of wisdom and love. He also represents the fullest flowering of human potential.

On this course we’ll be studying the Buddha’s words on metta – loving-kindness – and how they point out a path to realise this potential. We’ll be putting his teachings into practice starting with identifying more skillful ways of living; cultivating a vigorous imaginative identification with others; and freeing our mind through the development of wisdom.

The course will include an introduction to the metta-bhavana (development of loving-kindness meditation) and is suitable for newcomers as well as people who wish to intensify their practice and glean new insights.

The course is based upon Sangharakshita’s book Living With Kindness and you will be provided with a copy of the book as part of the course. You will receive the book on the first night of the course.

Over the five weeks we will cover:

  • Week 1: The way of metta and the first stage of metta-bhavanametta for oneself.

  • Week 2: The ethical foundations of metta and the second stage of metta-bhavanametta for a friend.

  • Week 3: Cultivating metta and the third stage of metta-bhavanametta for a neutral person.

  • Week 4: The culmination of metta and the fourth stage of metta-bhavanametta for an enemy.

  • Week 5: The realization of metta and the fifth stage of metta-bhavanametta equalized and limitless.


Starts Thursday 27th February 2024, 6.30pm – 8.45pm | For 5 weeks


Dublin Buddhist Centre
Unit 5, Liberty Corner
James Joyce Street
Dublin, D01 N5H6

Sadayasihi learned to meditate in 2007 in the Dublin Buddhist Centre while she was training to be a solicitor, having had an interest in Buddhism since she was a teenager.

She was ordained in 2016 and is current chair of the charity that runs the DBC, as well as leading a study group and teaching classes.

Suitable for: 

  • Anyone interested in discovering the transformative and radical power of Kindness as taugh by the Buddha.
  • Meditators with some experience who want to refresh their metta practice.
  • Complete beginners who want to learn about the Buddha’s teaching on metta/loving kindness and the Metta Bhavana meditation practice.


We do tiered pricing, depending on the circumstances.

€150 waged
€120 low-waged
€90 unwaged
€75 for under-25s

Location: Dublin Buddhist Centre


Unit 5, Liberty Corner
James Joyce Street, Dublin D01 N5H6 Ireland

Web: | Email:
Unit 5 | Liberty Corner | James Joyce Street | Dublin D01 N5H6 | Ireland | tel. (01) 817 8933
Registered Charity Number 20030698 | CHY Number CHY11311