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Padmasambhava Day Festival

Sunday 15th September 2024, 10am – 5pm

Led by the Pavara and Jnanadhara

On this festival day we will be celebrating the great teacher, Padmasambhava, the legendary guru who brought Buddhism to Tibet, and who is a strong source of inspiration for Sangharakshita and the Triratna Buddhist Community.

Jnanadhara will be giving a talk on the subject of the transformative power of the tantric symbolism of Padmasambhava entitled May the Flames the Transmute Samsara into Nirvana Arise’.

There will also be a shared lunch from 1.15pm – 2.30pm.

Please join us in-person at the DBC for this festival day, no need to book in advance. All welcome.

To join on Zoom follow (the meeting ID is 835 5002 7529 and the passcode is guru incase you need them).

Location: Dublin Buddhist Centre


Unit 5, Liberty Corner
James Joyce Street, Dublin D01 N5H6 Ireland

Web: | Email:
Unit 5 | Liberty Corner | James Joyce Street | Dublin D01 N5H6 | Ireland | tel. (01) 817 8933
Registered Charity Number 20030698 | CHY Number CHY11311