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Mitra Ceremonies

Friday 16th August 2024, 7pm – 9.30pm

Led by Sadayasihi

Join us for this special evening where the mitra ceremonies of four people are taking place.

Mitras are people who have made a commitment to practising the Dharma within our spiritual community. ‘Mitra’ is an Indian word that literally means friend. Becoming a mitra is a deepening of friendship with the Triratna Buddhist Community, which can occur when your commitment to its ideals, values and practices has reached a certain level.

This involves a commitment to Buddhism, to practising the Buddhist path as taught within our tradition, and to the Triratna Buddhist Community as the main context for your practice.

Becoming a mitra is a significant step in our spiritual lives, so it is witnessed in a public ceremony. It is a special event at the Buddhist Centre, and to which many people invite their friends and family. All are welcome to attend to celebrate and witness this deepening commitment.

(If you’d like to know more about becoming a mitra, you can read this document online A Guide to Becoming a Mitra in the Triratna Buddhist Community.)

Join us on Zoom (passcode if required is mitra and the meeting ID is 838 2261 1933)

Location: Dublin Buddhist Centre


Unit 5, Liberty Corner
James Joyce Street, Dublin D01 N5H6 Ireland

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Unit 5 | Liberty Corner | James Joyce Street | Dublin D01 N5H6 | Ireland | tel. (01) 817 8933
Registered Charity Number 20030698 | CHY Number CHY11311