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Help Transform the World in 2025

Help us raise €10,000

To keep sharing the Dharma in 2025, we need to raise €10,000 this December to ensure our financial stability for 2025. 

Please give generously.

€10,647 raised so far
€0 yet to raise

Other Ways of Donating

You can also transfer money directly to our account, if that is more convenient. Our bank details are:

Account Name: Dublin Buddhist Centre (Triratna)
Bank: Bank of Ireland, 2 College Green, Dublin 2
Sort Code: 90-00-17
Account Number: 7830 6237
IBAN: IE12BOFI90001778306237

You can also use this standing order form if you prefer – print this off, fill it out, and send it to us, or bring it to your bank.

Web: | Email:
Unit 5 | Liberty Corner | James Joyce Street | Dublin D01 N5H6 | Ireland | tel. (01) 817 8933
Registered Charity Number 20030698 | CHY Number CHY11311